What’s The Continental SEO?

SEO Specialists That Get You Seen

Take a look around. SEO agencies are a dime a dozen, and they take MONTHS to get shit done. We prioritize what’s important — fixing issues, getting ahead, and climbing SERPs.

We take away the confusion and deliver straight results.

SEOs love their jargon. From site audits to SCHEMA markups, there’s a hundred different things you’d need to learn to wrap your head around it all. We simplify the process to get you where you need to be, pronto. 

We've got receipts.
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"The first article The Continental wrote us brought in 12k in organic traffic and $30k in revenue under 48 hours. My site was hit heavily by the HCU update and they helped me recover traffic from 0 clicks to 168k clicks in about 6 months."

– Ahmed S.

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See Your Success in Three Easy Steps

30-Minute Discovery Call

We only work with like-minded brands who are looking to get around the SEO rat race. Starting with a discovery call, we feel you out to see how best we can help.

Tailored SEO Strategy

Once we’ve caught your drift, we put together a custom-tailored SEO strategy designed to meet your goals. 100% increase in web traffic? We’ve got you.

Implement and Recommend

We don’t just leave you high and dry. When we’re done implementing your strategy (or teaching you how), we leave you with clear next steps so you’re on the right track.

So, what's the verdict?

Our top-tier SEO services are custom-tailored to meet your goals. But our table’s only got enough space for the elite. Will you wait and stagnate or sit down and get paid?


Average cost to hire an average SEO


Average cost of hiring a full-time SEO team

We get shit done in >3 months with tangible results starting at $1,000 a month.

Stay in the loop or your competitors will leave you in the dust.

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