Did you know?

Everything You Learned About SEO is a Lie

Okay, okay, that’s not 100% true. But with SEO evolving faster than viral trends, it’s easy to get tangled in outdated tactics. That’s where we come in. At The Continental, we cut through the noise to deliver SEO strategies that are not just current, but future-ready. Let’s rewrite your digital story with facts, not fiction.

What exactly do we do?

We hack the algorithm so you don't have to.

We’ll be honest. Our team is made up of incredibly impatient growth hackers. But that only means we find the quickest ways for you to earn your keep.




What's your site doing if it doesn't get you in front of the right audience?
Get Seen


Content Writing

Content Writing

Google can't help you if your website's as barren as a wasteland.
Get Heard


Done-For-You Website

Done-For-You Website

Effective websites cost top $$$. We get you seen and making money fast.
Get Noticed


High-Converting Copywriting

Effective Copywriting

Just because you slid into their DMs doesn't mean you'll make bank.
Get Paid

Our 4-Step Process

Our team works round-the-clock to keep up with algorithm changes. The only thing that doesn’t change is our approach.

Discovery & Analysis

Discovery & Analysis

Dive into your brand's world, exploring your market, goals, and unique challenges. This phase is all about understanding what makes your business tick, gathering essential insights to tailor our approach precisely to your needs.

Implementation & Execution

Implementation & Execution

Time to bring the plan to life! Here, we execute the strategy with precision, whether it's optimizing your SEO, crafting compelling content, or building a robust online presence. Throughout this phase, we stay agile to adapt and evolve as needed.

Strategy Development

Strategy Development

Armed with insights, we craft a customized strategy. This is where we map out a plan that's as unique as your brand, deciding on the best tools and tactics to propel you towards your objectives, be it in SEO, content creation, or digital branding.

Next Steps & Recommendations

Next Steps & Recommendations

As we wrap up our direct involvement, we provide a roadmap for your continued success. This includes clear next steps, recommendations, and strategies you can implement to maintain momentum and achieve long-term growth in your digital journey.

It’s no secret that paid ads when done right bring serious coin for your business. But how much does it actually cost you? We’ve done the legwork and 99% of our clients spent upwards of $10,000 before seeing a good return on investment. 

We’ve spent the last 8 years ensuring we know exactly how to bring you the same results, without the risk and costs of paid advertising. 

Cue organic traffic flocking to your website. Generating sales. Earning money while you sleep. 

Your only problem? Ensuring your website can handle the traffic.

Google is over saturated.


Articles Published


Years of Experience


Niche Sites Built


Client Satisfaction

Wait...Where's the Receipts?

Here's Our Dossier, More to Come.

Raymund Rico Resaba

Magnetic Bookmarks, Magnetic Sales

IdleStuff, a handmade magnetic bookmark company, faced sales decline in 2023 due to COVID impact. With a $2000 investment in SEO and content strategy, The Continental boosted their sales by 268% and organic Instagram reach by 574%.

See The Hack »

Appetizer, salad, or main course?

We’ve got something for every type of entrepreneur. Whether you’re looking to kickstart your niche site or attract the right audience to your brand, our menu is as diverse as your grandma’s holiday spread. Unlike hers, our seats are limited.

Look, here’s the truth…


Average cost of hiring a web design team


Average cost of hiring a full-time content team

We get shit done in >3 months with tangible results starting at $450 a month.

Stay in the loop or your competitors will leave you in the dust.

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