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Organic content marketing that converts like paid ads.

Millions of dollars are spent on content marketing and SEO annually. Most businesses don’t see a dime of ROI for months (or years). But it doesn’t have to be like that. At The Continental, we focus on three core services:

All of which work together to meet your bottomline.

Better visibility. Higher income.

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Back in 2015, we started working with serial entrepreneurs who built multiple sites to earn affiliate marketing and ad revenue. From the automotive industry to digital marketing, crypto, and travel, we’ve immersed ourselves in almost any industry you can think of.

Paid guest posting, offering backlinks, promoting affiliate offers, selling digital products, e-commerce, etc. There are more than a handful of ways blogging can bring in organic revenue for you while you sleep.

For the past 8 years, we’ve studied every trend, every successful website, every “growth hack” in the industry to find out what makes high-converting blogs tick.

We landed on a single truth you might not want to hear:

73% of blogs take years to start generating revenue.

But your blog doesn’t need to move at a snail’s pace. 

In fact, we’ve fine-tuned our process to bring in a significant increase in organic traffic, reduced bounce rates, and more $$$ for your business, saving you over $50k on SEO and content marketing spend in >2 months.

So, what's the tea?

At The Continental, our fingers are always on the pulse of new developments and dynamic market shifts.

Here's what to expect when you take a seat at our table.

Thinking, Not Just Linking

Forget cookie-cutter SEO. At The Continental, we dive deep into data, crunching numbers and trends to tailor a strategy that’s as unique as your brand. It’s like having a bespoke suit; it just fits better. Why follow the herd when you can lead it, right?

Smart Tools, Smarter Strategies

We’re armed with the latest tools, but our real superpower? Knowing how to use them. From Google’s algorithm updates to the latest content trends, we stay ahead so your brand does too. Think of us as your digital sherlocks, solving the SEO mystery for your brand’s success.

Straight Talk, Real Results

Here’s the deal: if it’s not right for you, we’ll say so. Even if it’s the hottest trend that’s got everyone buzzing. Why? Because your success is our success. We’re like that brutally honest friend who tells you when you’ve got spinach in your teeth.

Your Brand, Our Megaphone

Communication is our middle name (well, not really, but you get the idea). We keep you clued in at every turn, because nobody likes being left in the dark. It’s like being part of an exclusive club where you’re always VIP, and the communication lines are as open as a 24/7 diner.

What are we talking about?

It’s not easy to trust everyone you meet online. In fact, you shouldn’t. Stranger danger and all that. So before you decide, take a peek at how we operate and what we do.


Of blogs fail.


Of our clients don’t.

And we get it done in >3 months with tangible results starting at $450 a month.

Stay in the loop or your competitors will leave you in the dust.

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by The Continental