The Continental


Welcome to! We’re thrilled to assist you with our services. However, there are a few important points we need to clarify to ensure a clear understanding between us and our esteemed clients.

Individual Results May Vary

At The Continental Ink, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional quality in all our projects. However, it’s crucial to understand that results can vary significantly between clients. This variability is due to a multitude of factors, including but not limited to individual project requirements, specific client needs, and varying industry dynamics. While we strive to provide the best possible service, we cannot guarantee that every client’s experience will be identical.

Unlimited Revisions – Within Reason

We understand the importance of getting your project just right, and we’re committed to making that happen. To this end, we offer unlimited revisions to our work, within reason. This means that while we’re happy to make adjustments and improvements to our work, the scope of these revisions must be reasonable. Once project outlines and briefs are approved, significant changes or full rewrites fall outside the scope of “unlimited revisions.” We encourage clear communication and detailed briefings to ensure your vision is aligned with the final product from the start.

No Refund Policy

At The Continental Ink, we invest significant time, resources, and expertise into each project from the very beginning. Due to the nature of our work and the commitment involved, we have a no refund policy. Exceptions to this policy are only possible if explicitly stated in writing at the outset of a project. We advise clients to review our terms and services carefully and discuss any concerns before the commencement of the project to ensure mutual understanding and agreement.

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