Why Settle for Content Writing that Doesn’t Make Money?

Content Writing Services That Convert Like Paid Ads

Blogs, articles, lead magnets, guest posts.  Whatever it is, we take boring SEO content and turn them into profit launchpads for your business.

How much more money could you make if organic traffic converted like paid ads?

Your brand’s content doesn’t need to be boring, generic, or blindly follow trends. We take the lead on crafting an effective content suite for you and deliver it straight to your target audience’s virtual doorstep.

Who’s It For?

We don't work with everyone.

We love making money as much as the next guy, but we’re fully aware that our services don’t work for every single type of entrepreneur and business. So, who exactly benefits most from working with The Continental?

Niche Site Enthusiasts

Dream of earning the big bucks through running a niche site? Whether it’s guest posting, backlink services, affiliate marketing, ad revenue, or running paid promotions, we’ve got your passive income dreams covered, well-oiled and ready to make bank.

Professionals & Services

If you offer a professional services-be it law advisory, cleaning services, IT, whatever it may be, we’ve got your ticket. We work with dedicated brands in getting their content set up for success. Local SEO, conversion-geared blogs, you name it.

E-Commerce Brands

If there’s one thing we love more than writing, it’s shopping. We work with dedicated e-commerce brands to craft compelling and enticing content across all platforms – driving revenue through the roof in record time. Ready to rev up your sales?

If that’s not you, then click away. We won’t waste your time.

We've got receipts.

"The Continental's content writing service has been instrumental for Oltask.com. Their ability to produce targeted, SEO-rich content has significantly boosted our online visibility and audience engagement. Their skilled writers captured our brand voice perfectly, delivering high-quality content that resonates with our readers. We're delighted with the results and the professional approach of The Continental's team."

– OlTask.com


Fancy words, effective results. Take a peek at some of the projects we’ve worked on.

See Your Success in Three Easy Steps

Content Planning

From competitor, keyword, and market research, we identify weak spots in top SERPs to give your content the best edge. This includes strategizing, drafting comprehensive outlines, and identifying elements for success.

Drafting & Optimization

When we’re ready, we start drafting and optimizing your content according to our findings. At this stage, we design graphics, add internal links, craft meta data, and suggest the best social media copy you can use to promote your content.

Publishing & Indexing

Let us do all the heavy lifting for you. After drafting, we hit publish and submit to Google for instant indexing. This makes it easier for Google to crawl your content and place it on its search engines. We leave a little note with next steps for you too.

Why Sit With Us?

Our table's exclusive. Here's why.

We’re not everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s okay. We take extreme care when handling your affairs to ensure your business thrives.

Keen Eye for Detail

With The Continental, EVERYTHING is intentional. We don’t do anything half-assed, and we don’t leave anything unfinished. OCD much?

Proven Expertise

We work with the best and brightest the industry has to offer. You’ve probably heard that before, but our team is populated with Asian Golden Children — they won’t fail.

Connections, Connections

Online, your network is your net worth – corny as that may sound. We’ve built strategic partnerships so you don’t have to fuck around and find out.

So, what's the damage?

We know what you’re thinking: “yeah, yeah, what’s this gonna cost me?” Don’t worry, it’s not an arm and a leg. In fact, we’re 60% cheaper than average in the industry.


Every business is different. Get in touch with our team to see what 7-figure content writing is gonna cost you.

Too Soon?

Claim a $15 trial piece. IF you hate it, we’ll refund you. No questions asked. 

How does the trial piece work?

Simple. We give you a glimpse of the full experience with one blog/article piece. If you like it, we’ll hit publish and index it for you. If not, we scrap it and send you your money back.

What is your turnaround time?

Our team can churn out a high-quality piece up to 3,500 words within 24 hours. 

On average, that’s 100k words a month. 

What if I need more words?

No problem! We work closely with you and offer custom quotations to meet your exact needs. Rates start at $0.05 per word.


Have a question in mind?


Can’t find your answers here? Slide into our DMs for some real, human help.

Are you content with your content?

If your blog isn’t bringing in the big buck$ for your business, then you’re not using it right. Allow us to help you rake in the dough with strategic content writing.


Average cost to hire an average SEO


Average cost of hiring a full-time SEO team

We get shit done in >3 months with tangible results starting at $1,000 a month.

Stay in the loop or your competitors will leave you in the dust.

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